Uniqueness of Living In Our Catawba Falls Home....A Note From The Owners

Every season brings with it numerous sensory inspiring experiences from the tranquil yet richly stimulating environment of our mountain setting. The Fall beckons early morning walks in the chill of fresh clean air and the striking brilliance of the mountain color palette. And relaxing times rocking on the front porch listening to music in the otherwise quiet of the day; and later gazing out from the loft at the panoramic beauty of the season. In the Winter, there is the peacefulness of watching thick white clouds fill the valley below; sipping hot refreshments in the ambiance of a glowing fireplace while snow quietly falls outside and then bundling up and venturing out to enjoy the powder white. Spring brings with it trees bursting with new life and feeling the warm sun penetrating every room throughout the cottage. And times with family and friends coming to spend a weekend and taking them on yet another new mountain venture. In the Summer we have the emergence of colorful wildflowers, and opening up the house to the feel and smells of the summer season. Evenings are often introduced by nearby yet unseen whip-o-wills beautifully calling out to their mates. And in the presence of summer rains we see amazing rainbows just beyond arms reach it seems. Then there are the never tiring visits from wild turkeys and deer roaming about. Truly life enriching times!

Posted by Eddie Colley on
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